Category: La Gazetta
La Gazzetta – March 2020
La Gazzetta – Oct. 2019
Read the Wickliffe I&A’s portion of La Gazzetta for October 2019 at the link below.
La Gazzetta – July 2019
La Gazzetta – January 2019
Click the link below to read the January 2019 edition of La Gazzetta magazine’s Wickliffe I&A section for club news about the recent Children’s Christmas party, summer bocce league wrap-up and more.
La Gazzetta – February 2018
This month:
– Breaking Balls in the Theater
– Banquet Hall to Undergo Facelift
– Meet the Board
To read the full Wickliffe I&A section of La Gazzetta Italiana, click the link below.
Wickliffe I&A, La Gazzetta Italiana, Feb. 2018
La Gazzetta – January 2018
Click the link below to read the Wickliffe I&A portion of La Gazzetta.
Wickliffe I&A to Honor Local Veterans

Veterans Day annually falls on November 11. This day is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ended the World War I hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany in 1918.Veterans are thanked for their services to the United States on Veterans Day.
On Friday November 10, 2017, the Wickliffe Italian – American Club will have its annual Veterans Day Dinner. This is the club’s opportunity to say thank you to the men and women who have severed our county in the United States Military. The event is open to the public. Doors will open at 6:30 pm and services will start at 7:00 pm with dinner to follow. If you wish to attend, please contact Phil Fratino 440-382-1811 for details.
2017 Singles Bocce Tournament
For the several years now, the Club has conducted a tournament for Club members only, to see who is the best player – one on one – in the Club. This year the tournament was held on Saturday, October 28th – a cold, rainy day where fortunately players at least could play under the covered courts. Still, the brisk temperatures forced players to play very quickly. Roughly 25 players signed up to compete. Club Member Chuck Britton Sr. organized the event both last year and this year and also established a nice plaque that would go to the winner. Players paid a $!0 entry fee, and the top 3 finalists would split the pot.
The semi-final game to determine the winner of the Loser’s bracket, pitted last year’s champion – Frank Dicillo, versus rising star, Marco Orlando Jr. The veteran Dicillo won convincingly over the younger Orlando, setting up a finals match between Dicillo, and tournament veteran Mike Kontura, who was undefeated in the Winner’s Bracket. Kontura raced out to a 10-3 lead, but Dicillo fought back steadily to tie the game at 10. The two players then traded points for the next several frames, and with the score tied 12-12, Kontura executed a pressure shot to seal the victory and became the 2017 Club Champion! Congratulations to Mike Kontura and the players who competed in this fun tournament, and a special thanks to Chuck Britton for volunteering to run the tournament for the Club.

Mixed Doubles Bocce League Results
The Wednesday Night Mixed Doubles League was under new leadership this year. Under the capable guidance of Chuck Britton with assistance from Carol Formica, the 21 team league enjoyed a successful season. New this year was the addition of a double elimination tournament at the end of the season to determine the league champions.
1st place: Joe and BriAnn Ciasullo; Eugene and Margie Ciasullo.
2nd place: Chuck and Patti Britton; Chuck Britton Jr.; Pam Zab and Debbie Vitantonio.
3rd place: Marco Orlando with Maryann Insana, and Rose and Regis Matiyasic.
4th place: Tom Sr. and Debbie Tripepi; Joe and Patty Kleinheinz.